What is Nordic Walking and why is it good for me?

Nordic Walking was developed in Finland, as a way of keeping ‘ski fit’ during the summer months. Nordic poles are specially created to ensure the body receives an all-over workout. 

Benefits of Nordic Walking

It burns around 20% more calories than standard walking, and uses 90% of your body’s muscles. Cleverly, the ‘ratings of perceived exertion’ have been shown to be lower than standard walking ie your body is doing more work but it doesn’t feel like it due to the clever poles. 

Anyone can Nordic Walk, no matter what your fitness level, age, gender etc. There is a reason this fantastic exercise is now recommended by the NHS: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/nordic-walking-health-benefits/

Whilst it’s brilliant for the body, we shouldn’t forget its effect on the mind too. Exercising outdoors, in nature, has a greater boost on mood than indoors.  Exercising outdoors can help you feel grounded, deepen your connection to your environment and enhance your appreciation for the beauty around you.
